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गुडिरहेको रेलमा सेल्फी : ज्यानै गयो

दिल्लीमा एक किशोरको समूह होडबाजी गर्दै गुडिरहको रेलसँग सेल्फी लिन रेलको लिगमा पुगेका थिए ।फोटो लिने क्रममा उनीहरुले आफू नजिकै रेल आईरहेको देखेका थिए, रेल आएको देखेर तुरुन्त लिग बाहिर निस्किएका उनीहरु मध्ये दुई जनाको भने विपरीत दिशाबाट आएको रेलले किचेर मृत्यु भएको स्थानीय प्रहरी अधिकृतलाई उद्धृत गर्दै बीबीसीले जनाएको छ । रेल वे पुलिस अधिकृतले जनाए अनुसार फोटो खिच्नको लागि उनीहरुले व्यवसायिक क्यामरा भाडामा लिएका थिए । घटनास्थलबाट प्रहरीले लिएको उक्त क्यामरामा कैद भएको भिडियोमा ती किशोरहरु पालै पालो एक लिगबाट अर्को लिगमा हामफालेको देखिएको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ । 

Visitors to be banned on india's iconic connaught place

All traffic such as buses and automobiles might be banned from the office and buying district as a part of the government's plans to tackle air pollutants and congestion within the city. park and trip cycle offerings may be offered to visitors to the vicinity. tens of hundreds of human beings visit connaught location every day. the place is part of colonial-generation delhi, regularly referred to as lutyens delhi after the british architect sir edwin lutyens, who designed some of the government homes and graceful bungalows which can be now occupied by means of senior officers. it's also one in all india's maximum famous industrial and buying districts, however regularly remains gridlocked because of growing visitors. officers say the 3-month-lengthy "pedestrianisation" of the place will take a look at "site visitors stream, the enjoy of pedestrians and shop proprietors, control of reclaimed parking lots and site visitors load" inside the region. h

२४ घन्टा नबित्दै मुख्यमन्त्री अखिलेश यादवको कारबाही फिर्ता

उत्तरप्रदेशका मुख्यमन्त्री अखिलेश यादवलाई समाजवादी पार्टीले गरेको कारबाही फिर्ता लिएको छ । पार्टीलाई कमजोर बनाएको आरोप लगाउँदै समाजवादी पार्टीका प्रमुख मुलायमसिंह यादवले शुक्रबार छोरा तथा उत्तर प्रदेशका मुख्यमन्त्री अखिलेश यादवलाई पार्टीबाट निष्कासन गरेको घोषणा गरेका थिए । अखिलेशसँगै उनका काका तथा पार्टीका वरिष्ठ नेता रामगोपाल यादवलाई पनि पार्टीबाट निष्कासन गरिएको मुलायमले बताएका थिए । अखिलेशमाथिको कारबाही रद्द भएको अखिलेशका अर्का काका तथा मुलायमसिंहका भाइ शिवपाल यादवले बताए । कारबाहीमा परेका मुख्यमन्त्री अखिलेशले शनिबार पार्टी प्रमुख तथा बाबु मुलायमसँग भेट गरेका थिए । ‘पार्टीले मुख्यमन्त्री अखिलेशमाथि गरेको कारबाही रद्द गरेको छ । विधानसभाको आगामी निर्वाचनमा पार्टी थप एकजुट भएर जानेछ । पार्टीभित्र देखिएका सम्पूर्ण असमझधारी अन्त्य भएको छ,’ पार्टी नेता शिवपाल यादवले बताए । मुलायमसिंहसँगको भेटमा अखिलेशका विश्वासपात्र अजाम खानले अखिलेशविरुद्धको कारबाही रद्द गर्न मुलायमसँग आग्रह गरेका थिए । शनिबार दिउँसो अखिलेशले आफू समर्थक वि धानसभाका सांसद र नेताहरूलाई आफनै आवास लखनउमा भेट गरेका थिए ।

PM Modi announces two housing schemes for economically backward sections: Key announcements from speech

Prime Minister  Narendra Modi  on Saturday addressed the nation on New Year eve, a day after 50-day deadline post demonetisation came to an end. In his speech, the Prime Minister reiterated his commitment to the fight against corruption and said black money and fake notes had become so rampant in India’s social fabric that even honest people were brought to their knees. Giving a bonanza to farmers post demonetisation, PM Modi announced that government will bear interest for 60 days on crop loans taken by farmers from district cooperative banks and primary societies for sowing operations this Rabi season. PM Modi said that the government had to take a tough decision while deciding to implement demonetisation, adding that without the support of people it would not have been possible. Emphasising that the corrupt will be punished, he said that law will continue to do its work and with utmost severity but added that the focus will remain on protecting the honest and reducing their

Jharkhand: Tribal man hacked to death by cousines

A 40-year-old tribal man was hacked to death by his cousins suspecting him as a witch in Dalmabeda village, police on Saturday said. Ramsingh Banra, who along with his own elder brother Bada Mangu Banra live in the same village, had a blister on his leg, which had expanded further around the affected part a few days later. Bada Mangu and his younger brother Ramsingh accused the victim Chotu Mangu Banra, who happened to be their cousin living in the same village with his wife and five children, responsible for the blister, police said. They accused Chotu Mangu for engaging an Ojha (witch doctor) to harm them through black magic. The accused brother duo in an inebriated state attacked Chotu Mongru with a machete after an altercation and he died on the spot yesterday. The victim’s wife Raimuni Banra, who rushed to rescue Chotu Mangu, was also suffered injury. On being informed about the incident today, a police team rushed to the spot and recovered the body and arrested Bada Mango and