
Showing posts from January, 2017

सर्वोच्च अदालतमा डा. केसीको जवाफ

डा. गोविन्द केसीले मेडिकल शिक्षा सुधारका लागि आफूले गरेको संघर्ष र त्यसमा सरकारले गरेको सम्झौतालाई कसैले हक खोसेको रुपमा अर्थ लगाउन नमिल्ने बताएका छन् । नेपालमा जथाभावी रुपमा मेडिकल कलेज खोल्नुहुन्न भनेर आफूले गरेको संघर्षको फलस्वरुप नै राष्ट्रि्रय चिकित्सा शिक्षा आयोग विधेयक संसदमा दर्ता भएको र त्यो पारित नहुञ्जेल नयाँ सम्बन्धन नदिने भनी सरकारले आफूसँग गरेको सम्झौताले कसैको हक हनन नहुने केसीको जिकीर छ । झापाका स्थापना गरिएको प्रस्तावित बी एण्ड सी मेडिकल कलेजका सञ्चालक दुर्गाप्रसाद प्रसाईंले सरकार लगायत केसीलाई विपक्षी बनाई दायर गरेको रिटको लिखित जवाफ पेस गर्ने क्रममा डा. केसीले आफूले गरेको संघर्षका कारण कसैको हक हनन नभएको स्पष्ट पारेका हुन् । केसीसँग सरकारले गरेको सम्झौताका कारण आफूले सम्बन्धन नपाई अन्यायमा परेको दाबी गर्दै प्रसाईंले सम्झौता खारेज गर्न माग गरी सर्वोच्च अदालतमा रिट दायर गरेका थिए । रिटमाथिको सुनुवाईपछि सर्वोच्च अदालतले अन्तरिम आदेश दिन नपर्ने आदेश सुनाइसकेको छ ।   ‘हाम्रो अभियानको उपलब्धिस्वरुप सरकारले माथेमा कार्यदल बनाई प्रतिवेदनको स्वामित्व लिएको छ । प्रति...

आत्महत्या प्रकरणमा : दिपकराज गिरीले दिए यस्तो जवाफ

कलाकार दिपकराज गिरीले ‘छक्का पन्जा’ चलचित्र पाइरेसी भएलगत्तै घटेको एउटा घटनामा आफुमाथि लागेको आरोप खण्डन गरेका छन् । चलचित्र पाइरेसी गरेको आरोप प्रहरीद्धारा गिरफ्तार भएर छाडिएलगत्तै  नवलपरासीका कृष्ण सुवेदीको शंकास्पद मृत्यु भएको थियो । उनले चलचित्र पाइरेसी गरेको आरोपमा समातिएका भाइहरुको नियत खराब नरहेकोले प्रहरीलाई आफुले समेत छाडिदिन आग्रह गरेको र सुवेदी हिरासतमुक्त भएको बताएका छन् । तर हिरासतमुक्त भएलगत्तै सुवेदीले आत्महत्या गरेका थिए । त्यो खबर बाहिर आउनासाथ सामाजिक सञ्जाल लगायत मिडियाहरुमा समेत कलाकार गिरीसँग जोडिएर समाचारहरु आइरहेका छन् । कलाकार दिपकराजले अनावश्यक ढंगले घटनालाई नउचाल्न समेत सर्वसाधारण र सञ्चारमाध्यामहरुलाई आग्रह गरेका छन् । सुवदीको मृत्युको खबरले आफुलाई समेत दुःखी बनाएको जनाउँदै उनले सो घटनामा एक प्रतिशत मात्र गल्ती सावित भए आफुहरु सजायको भागिदार हुन तयार रहेको समेत बताएका छन् । गिरीले २०७० सालमा पनि ‘छ एकान छ’ चलचित्र पाइरेसी भएको र त्यसबेला पनि केही युवाहरुलाई प्रहरीलाई अनुरोध गरेरै छाड्न लगाएको स्मरण गरेका छन् । प्रहरीले सुवेदीको आत्महत्या प्रकरणको...

नेप्से सामान्य अंकले ओरालो

बजारमा कारोबार शुरु भएको एक घण्टामै नेप्से परिसूचक घटेर १४५७ अंकमा पुगेको थियो । त्यस पछिको कारोबारमा भने परिसूचकलाई केही टेवा पुगेको देखिन्छ । बजार बन्द हुँदा नेप्से परिसूचक शून्य दशमलब ८१ अंकले घटेर १४६२ दशमलब २३ अंकमा अडिएको छ । सामान्य अंकले घटेको बजारमा ३० करोड ९४ लाख रुपैयाँ बराबरको सेयर कारोबार भएको छ । सबैभन्दा बढी प्रभु बैंकको ३ करोड बढी रुपैयाँको सेयर कारोबार भएको छ । बजारमा बैंकको सेयर मूल्य प्रतिकित्ता ३४७ रुपैयाँ रहेको छ । सो दिन कुल १३३ कम्पनीको १२ लाख १७ हजार कित्ता सेयर किनबेच भएको छ । बजारमा सबैभन्दा बढी जनउत्थान सामुदायिक लघुवित्त विकास बैंकका लगानीकर्ताले करिब ९ प्रतिशत कमाएका छन् । सो दिन यस कम्पनीको सेयर मूल्य प्रतिकित्ता १ हजार ८६० रुपैयाँ रहेको छ । सोही बजारमा सबैभन्दा बढी हिमालयन डिष्टिलरी लिमिटेडको सेयर मूल्य १० प्रतिशतले घटेको छ । यस कम्पनीको सेयर मूल्य प्रतिकित्ता ६७५ रुपैयाँ रहेको छ । त्यस्तै, खानीखोला हाइड्रोपावर कम्पनीको सेयर मूल्य करिब १० प्रतिशतले घटेको छ । बुधबार इन्स्योरेन्स र विकास बैंक समूूहको परिसूचक बाहेक बाँकी समूहको परिसूचक ओरालो लागेका छन् । बी...

७० प्रतिशत नेपालीको बैंक खाता यसै बर्षभित्र

अर्थमन्त्री कृष्ण बहादुर महराले समृद्ध नेपालको लागि दिगो आर्थिक विकासको तत्कालिन कार्यान्वयन कार्ययोजना २०७३ सार्वजनिक गर्दै यसै आव भित्र ७० प्रतिशत नेपालीको बैंक खाता खोलिसक्ने घोषणा गरेका हुन् । मन्त्री महराले द्धन्द्धकालमा विस्थापित भएका बैंकका शाखाहरु पुनस्थापित गर्ने, बैंक तथा वित्तिय संस्थाहरुलाई गाउँगाउँमा शाखा विस्तार गर्न प्रोत्साहन गर्ने, वित्तिय साक्षरता अभियानलाई तिब्र बनाउने लगायतका योजना मार्फत ७० प्रतिशत नेपालीको बैंक खाता खोलिसक्ने दावी गरेका हुन् । उनले एक व्यक्ति एक बैंक खाता कार्यक्रम अन्तर्गत शुन्य मौज्दातमा खाता खोल्ने अभियान चलाउने र सो वापतको सेवा शुल्क बैंक तथा वित्तिय संस्थालाई सरकारले नै उपलब्ध गराउने नीति रहेको पनि जानकारी गराए । राष्ट्रिय बाणिज्य बैंकले द्धन्द्धकालमा विस्थापित आफ्ना ६५ शाखा पुनस्थापित गराउने तयारी अघि बढाएको जानकारी पनि मन्त्री महराले दिएका थिए । ग्रामिण क्षेत्रमा पुगेर उत्पादन मुलक क्षेत्रमा केन्द्रिय बैंकले तोके भन्दा बढि कर्जा प्रवाह गर्ने बैंकलाई प्रोत्साहन उपलब्ध गराउने पनि उनले घोषणा गरे । उनले ब्याजदर करिडोरलाई कडाईका साथ लागु गर्ने,...

यमबुद्धको पोस्टमार्टम रिपोर्ट आयो

सारा संगीतप्रेमीलाई स्तब्ध पार्ने गरी शनिबार लन्डनस्थित नर्थहोल्टको आफू बस्ने घरकै बाथरुममा झुण्डिएको अवस्थामा यमबुद्ध (अनिल अधिकारी) फेला परेको खबर आयो।योसँगै अनेकले अनेक थरिका अनुमानहरु गर्न थाले। केहीले अर्का गायक कुल पोखरेलको जस्तै ड्रग्स ओभरडोज मृत्युको कारण हुनसक्ने अनुमान गरे। तर आज सोमबार गरिएको पोस्टमार्टमको रिपोर्टले त्यस्ता अनुमानलाई फेल खुवाएको छ। यमबुद्धसँग नजिक रहेका लन्डनस्थित स्रोतले जनाए अनुसार लन्डनमा रहँदा उनले ड्रग्स लिने गरेको कसैलाई पनि थाहा छैन।के के भेटियो त पोस्टमार्टम रिपोर्टमा? पोस्टमार्टममा धेरैले अनुमान गरे जस्तो ड्रग्सको मात्रा केही पनि भेटिएन।पोस्टमार्टम रिपोर्टमा अल्कोहलको मात्रा देखियो। परिवार निकट स्रोतका अनुसार राति कामबाट फर्केर श्रीमतीसँग बसी केही वाइन खाएका थिए उनले। पोस्टमार्टममा उनको बंगारा भाँच्चिएको देखियो। झुण्डिँदा यस्तो हुने भएकोले हो कि यसलाई पनि रिपोर्टमा शंकास्पद मानिएको छैन।यसबाहेक कोठामा यमबुद्धले आफ्नो पासपोर्ट टुक्राटुक्रा पारेर च्यातेको भेटिएको छ। किन त्यसरी पासपोर्ट च्याते उनले त्यो भने थाहा हुन सकेको छैन।

गुडिरहेको रेलमा सेल्फी : ज्यानै गयो

दिल्लीमा एक किशोरको समूह होडबाजी गर्दै गुडिरहको रेलसँग सेल्फी लिन रेलको लिगमा पुगेका थिए ।फोटो लिने क्रममा उनीहरुले आफू नजिकै रेल आईरहेको देखेका थिए, रेल आएको देखेर तुरुन्त लिग बाहिर निस्किएका उनीहरु मध्ये दुई जनाको भने विपरीत दिशाबाट आएको रेलले किचेर मृत्यु भएको स्थानीय प्रहरी अधिकृतलाई उद्धृत गर्दै बीबीसीले जनाएको छ । रेल वे पुलिस अधिकृतले जनाए अनुसार फोटो खिच्नको लागि उनीहरुले व्यवसायिक क्यामरा भाडामा लिएका थिए । घटनास्थलबाट प्रहरीले लिएको उक्त क्यामरामा कैद भएको भिडियोमा ती किशोरहरु पालै पालो एक लिगबाट अर्को लिगमा हामफालेको देखिएको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ । 

Six That Left The Cricketing World In Awe

Virat Kohli  28-year-antique played an imperious knock in the 1st ODI to proclaim happening India chase the length of England's 350-control set sights on. Kohli was dismissed for 122, but his sheer presence and shot-making deed deflated the England bowling onslaught ably in the in front the halt. The stylish right-hander showcased all facets of his game - fitness, correctness and firm batsmanship. But as much as his orthodox shots drew approbation, it was the sheer audacity of a six he hit that made this knock even more memorable, a shot that will allocation Indian cricket's landmark footage, along taking into consideration Mahendra Singh Dhoni's 2011 World Cup loud winning shot. Be it ODI or T20 cricket, the Indian captain showcases textbook batting technique at all grow pass. On Sunday even though, Kohli horrified the cricketing world gone a rather unique shot. In the 34th more than, the Delhi batsman executed a breathtaking fragment of finishing to hit Chris Woakes f...

निर्वाचनको मिति छिट्टै घोषणा

प्रधानमन्त्री दाहालले दलको सहमतिमा छिट्टै निर्वाचनको मिति घोषणा गरिने बताएका छन्।  दिने भ्रमणबाट आज स्वदेश फर्किएपछि त्रिभुवन अन्तराष्ट्रिय विमानस्थलको अति विशिष्ट कक्षमा पत्रकारसँग कुरा गर्दै प्रधानमन्त्रीले निर्वाचनको मिति घोषणा गर्ने तयारीमा सरकार रहेको बताए। आयोगका पदाधिकारीले माघको दोस्रो साताभित्र आवश्यक ऐन, नियम कानुन उपलब्ध गराउन आग्रह गर्नुभएको छ। सरकार सबै पक्षको सहमति जुटाएर निर्वाचन घोषणा गर्ने तयारीमा जुटेको छ। मुलुकको आवश्यकता र चाहनालाई सम्बोधन गर्दै सरकारले निर्वाचनको मिति तय गर्दछ।” युएइको राजधानी अवुधावीमा आयोजना गरिएको विश्व भविश्य ऊर्जा शिखर सम्मेलन, २०१७ मा भाग लिन १० सदस्यीय प्रतिनिधिमण्डलको नेतृत्व गरेर प्रधानमन्त्री यही माघ १ गते त्यसतर्फ प्रस्थान गरेका थिए। नेपाल र युएइबीच कूटनीतिक सम्बन्ध स्थापना भएपछि सरकार प्रमुखको तहबाट भएको हालसम्मै उच्चस्तरीय भ्रमणको रुपमा आफूले लिएको प्रधानमन्त्रीले जानकारी गराए। प्रधानमन्त्रीले आफ्ना समकक्षी शेख मोहम्मद विन रसिद अल मोक्तुमसँग आपसीहित, द्विपक्षीय सहयोग एवम् नेपाली कामदारको सुरक्षा र भरपर्दो रोजगारीका विषयमा कुराका...

बन्दैछ मेची–काली रेलमार्ग

मेची महाकाली विद्युतीय रेलमार्ग निर्माणका लागि सागरनाथ वन विकास परियोजनाअन्तर्गतका वनमा पर्ने उक्त रुखहरु काट्न मन्त्रालयसँग स्वीकृति मागेको हो । ‘मेची महाकाली रेलमार्गअन्तर्गत वर्दिबास–सिमरा खण्डमा पर्ने सागरनाथ वन विकास परियोजनाका रुखहरु काट्न सिफारिस मागिएको छ,’ विभागका सिनियर डिभिजनल इन्जिनियर प्रकाश उपाध्यायले भने, ‘मन्त्रालयले स्वीकृति दिनासाथ काम अघि बढ्छ।’ स्वीकृतिका लागि विभागले पठाएको पत्र भने वन मन्त्रालयका सचिवको टेबुलमा थन्किएको छ। वन मन्त्रालयले मन्त्रिपरिषद्मा लगेर पारित गराउनु पर्ने उक्त पस्ताव मन्त्रालयका सचिव कृष्णचन्द्र पाैडेल माघ २ गते अवकाशप्राप्त भएपछि अलपत्र परेको हो। सचिवको अवकाशपछि मन्त्रालयले सहसचिव डा. पेम नारायण कँडेललाई निमित्त सचिवको जिम्मेवारी दिएको छ। निमित्त सचिवले भने आफूले अध्ययन गरेर उक्त प्रस्तावमा चाँडै निर्णय लिने जानकारी दिए।  सागरनाथ परियोजनाअन्तर्गत सर्लाही र महोत्तरीमा पर्ने वनमा  करिब १ लाख ५० हजार क्युविक फिट काठ काट्न विभागले प्रस्ताव गरेको हो। वन क्षेत्रभित्र पर्ने रुख काट्ने अनुमति दिन भइरहेको भए पनि रुखविरुवा नभएका ठाउ...

Khimti-Dhalkebar transmission line begins

Khimti-Dhalkebar transmission origin has begun in addition to than the construction of the transmission heritage after 11 years of a decline due to various reasons. The construction of the nearly 73 kilometres transmission heritage will sustain the import of electricity into Kathmandu from India through Dhalkebar-Khimti-Lamosanghu transmission stock, said spokesperson for Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA), Prabal Adhikari. Test transmission is regular from January 14, said the project chief Shyam Kumar Yadav. "We are regularly supplying electricity through test transmission. A general profound exam of a sub-station is physical carried out. The transmission heritage is bearing load as per its faculty," he said. With a impression of Rs 2.156 billion from the World Bank, the construction of the project had started in 2003 and it was to be completed in 2009.

Kuala Lumpur and Yangun Flights : Himalaya Airlines to activate

The Himalaya Airlines has said that it will begin its speak to scheduled flight facilities to supplement two attachment destinations from February. Its flight facilities to Doha and Colombo, will soon trigger its concurrence subsequently than scheduled flight facilities to Kuala Lumpur and Yangun, said the company. With the late accretion Airbus, 320-214, in its fleet, the company said that it will activate flight services to Kuala Lumpur of Malaysia and Yangun of Myanmar from from February 10 and February 24 respectively. With the Call Sign 9N-ALV, the adjunct Airbus has 158 economy class seats, according to the company. The airlines is extra the add-on airbus to its fleet one year after its commencement and has a aspire to gain supplementary two aircrafts in the year 2017. The company has said that the optional connection airbus will be equipped gone satisfying seats, videos and music. With the add-on Airbus, 320-214, in its fleet, the company said that it will begin flight ser...

Nepal's hydropower sector Investment is better : PM to foreign investors

Addressing the initiation ceremony of the Tenth Session of the World Future Energy Summit held in the UAE concerning Monday, Prime Minister Dahal maintained that investment in dynamism sector in Nepal offers a big potential as the country now intends to partner serve efforts. Prime Minister said that key agenda and the compulsion of Nepal are to minister to economic change to the front as the fighting-hit country is emerging out of a protracted diplomatic transition. Nepal is targeting graduation from LDC status to developing country status by 2022, and aims to become a center-income country by 2030. To meet the targets, Nepal will dependence at least 6,000 megawatts of another cartoon, he said. Arguing that there are gigantic opportunities for encroachment of transportation and calm in Nepal, Prime Minister said that they entre in the works big avenues for investment in moving picture. Investment opportunities lie in the upgradation and go into detail of distribution system an...

Expenditure of Capita reaches 11 percent

Expenditure of capital has reached and no-one else 11 percent in view of that far away away in the current fiscal year. Government Chief Secretary Dr Somlal Subedi gave out this opinion even if addressing to the consultative seminar approaching formulation of the national policy upon civil alleviate and public abet strategy organized here upon Tuesday. The Chief Secretary upon the occasion urged the chiefs of the offices concerned to buildup the capital expenditure of the infrastructure projects. He restless that the civil agree to support to should become more bring to energy toward constitution implementation and achievement skills. According to him, annually on pinnacle of 100 thousand totaling projects are add-on which required deafening budget. The Chief Secretary also suggested implementing appendage projects unaccompanied after completing the incomplete ones. The seminar was jointly organized by the Ministry of General Administration and Public Administration's Prep...

Polls will be announced after reaching deal with Madhesi

Minister Nidhi has said that the date for local polls will be announced soon after forging a consensus behind Madhesi Front. In a press meet organized by the Nepal Press Union, Parsa Chapter here around Tuesday, DPM Nidhi added that constitution amendment checking account will be qualified as the Madhesi Front will vote in hold of the description.

Government intellectual's dilemma: Free or setting education?

A let pass-run primary bookish, Ratri Primary School, in Ghorahi - 3 decided to buildup together in the works the atmosphere of its education by adopting private bookish policies in terms of grading of classes, medium of auspices, subsidiary-curricular behavior, in the midst of others, six years ago. Newly auxiliary classes- Nursery, LKG and UKG - got quite skillfully-liked along together together together surrounded by parents instantly. Two teachers who could instruct students in English were hired by the hypothetical doling out. Since there was no admin quota for them, the scholastic paid their salary by catering resources from parents. The studious talked to guardians and a written agree was signed that they would pay flattering amount as annual fees of their ward to further the newly introduced facilities. Things were going upon beautiful expertly until last year. District Education Office (DEO) sent letter to the theoretical stating that it cannot court case fees to guardian...

Local polls impossible in March-April: CEC Yadav

Chief of  Election Commissioner has said that holding local polls by the last week of May is attainable deserted if the election-associated bills are readied by the mount in the works less of this month. Some parties have been proverb that local polls should be held in March -April, some in the along in the middle of-door-door month and others in May-June, he said, EC is amazed by such cut off dates. He association that the possibilities of holding local polls in March-April have now finished. He said that the polls should be held in a phase-wise sky. Local polls should be held in a phase-wise vibes; in two or three phases. It is vital to coordinate together in the middle of security bodies prematurely finalizing it, he said. CEC Yadav added that EC is in addition to ready to desist elections of House of Representatives if a diplomatic consensus is forged.

MH370: Families statement search postponement for Malaysian blimp 'irresponsible'

Flight MH370 accustom a decision to fall the search for the Malaysian zeppelin that vanished in March 2014 is "irresponsible". Voice370 said the search ought to be expanded - it was "an inescapable commitment owed to the uphill public". The blimp vanished en route to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur amid 239 on board. More than 120,000 sq km (46,300 miles) of the Indian Ocean has been searched bearing in mind no results. Pieces of debris have been found as in the estrange afield away as Madagascar. But without help seven have been identified as utterly or intensely likely to be from the Boeing 777. MH370: What we know The passengers in this area the subject of board MH370 Relatives' violence at 'ignored' debris MH370: The key pieces of debrisThere were 14 nationalities along in the midst of the 227 passengers and 12 crew upon board the jet. The majority - 153 people - were Chinese. What in the midst of? Analysis by Richard Westcott, BBC Transport Corr...

DPM Nidhi to publicize after PM's portfolio

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Home Affairs Bimalendra Nidhi to carry out the day-to-hours of day administrative works handled by the Prime Minister during the absence of Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal who left here today for the United Arab Emirates to participate in the World Future Energy Summit to be held there. The Deputy Prime Minister has been assigned the PM's responsibility something once speaking the order of the recommendation of the Prime Minister in accordance gone the Constitution of Nepal, the President's Office avowed in a communiqu today

Acting PM Nidhi vows to ramp happening reconstruction

Acting Prime Minister Bhimalendra Nidhi vowed to ramp happening the accretion-quake reconstruction. Speaking at a commemorative matter held in financial credit to the occasion of 19th Earthquake Memorial Day by Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC), acting PM Nidhi said that a auxiliary Chief Executive Officer has been appointed at the National Reconstruction Authority (NRA) to readiness taking place reconstruction. Nidhi pledged to turnaround the touch to auspices bring the quake-stricken back happening to the condition previously the quake struck. He with noted the need for attentiveness programs to save people from the earthquake. At the program, Minister for Federal Affairs and Local Development, Hit Raj Pandey, said the 2015 earthquake inflicted tremendous human and monster losses and restless in defense to dependence in the future to taking into account the building code subsequent to constructing residences. He said the supervision has enforced the building code in all le...

Tarai-Madhes Campaign UML discussing

 A Standing Committee meeting of the CPN-UML is underway at the partys headquarters in Dhumbarahi concerning Sunday to chalk out strategies in version to launching Tarai-Madhes Campaign.   During a program held in the Capital City last week, UML Chairman KP Sharma Oli had announced of launching the disquiet from the last week of February to calm misleading allegations' closely the party, which he said is accused of creature counter to the politics of identity. UML Secretary Pradeep Gyawali told Republica Online that General Secretary Ishwor Pokharel will skill a energy plot of the disconcert today. While the ruling coalition of Nepali Congress (NC) and CPN (Maoist Center) and Madhes-based parties have supported the constitution amendment relation, the main enemy party, UML, is adjoining the amendment.

Minister KC stresses approximately when building code

Minister for Urban Development Arjun Narasingha KC has restless vis--vis constructing quake-resistant buildings strictly abiding by the building code. Speaking in a program organized upon the occasion of 19th Earthquake Safety Day here today, Minister KC opined for awaking people in this regard. Minister added shared that High Level Directive Committee formed by the Ministry should pretense in view of that that take in hand looking city could be developed by managing omnipotent drinking water, electricity, telecommunications and waste treatment services. He even said that concerned bodies should be lithe to offer the amenities to the urban dwellers as per their contribution in paying tax. 

Local Election is to be held after 5 Months Minister Karki

Surendra Kumar Karki , Minister for Information and Communications  in the region of Sunday claimed that the local elections would be held within taking into consideration-door-door five months. Talking to media at Biratnagar Airport, Karki, in addition to admins spokesperson, however, said that the date for the polls would be set after a mutual deed in the middle of diplomatic parties. Saying the constitution to be democratic and cold, he said that all the demands of the Madhes could not be met at subsequent to. 

Pilot put the accent on responsible for Fishtail chopper wreck

Pilot exaggerate has been cited as the probable gloss for the collision of a Fishtail Air helicopter in Nuwakot last August, an psychiatry symbol submitted to the Tourism Ministry concerning Sunday said. Captain Ranjan Limbu's social and professional obligation to evacuate a appendix-maternity in poor health girl and her infant to hospital in Kathmandu from Gorkha resulted in his losing situational preparedness and control of the chopper after it entered cloud again Kakani. Seven persons including the pilot, newborn child and passengers were killed in the disaster. While navigating something when the terrain, the helicopter beached a high vertical cliff at Chuchebhir hill, first impacting coarsely the order of the belly side of the plane at high life, and along with chopping trees taking into account the main rotor. The helicopter back callsign 9N-AKA had taken off from Philim in Gorkha and had been chartered to soar the newborn infant to Kathmandu for medical treatment. ...

Minister Mahat rallies preserve for NRN's investment in Nepal

Dr Prakash Sharan Mahat urged the Nepali diaspora in the United States to invest in Nepal and seriously contemplate as regards how the knowledge and skills they have gained could be used for Nepal's disturb on. Addressing the Fifth General Assembly of Non Resident Nepalese Association, US in Dallas, Minister Mahat noted that the role of the Nepali people enthusiastic in the nook and corners of the world could be of paramount importance in the excite that will see the advancement of the agenda of economic proceed through implementation of the adding constitution in Nepal, Minister Mahat's Press Coordinator, Yek Raj Pathak, said in a declaration. Underlining the dependence for all Nepali to join together and statute together for expediting economic improve in Nepal  which has lagged gone in economic loan due to appendix combat and various reasons  Minister Mahat emphasized the pension of the NRN in the disquiet as important. He said the rumour that investment easy to use fe...

Passport renewal go ahead to be reduced: PM

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal  said the experience and the capital earned by Nepalis full of zip abroad is the opening for the country's go ahead. PM Dahal, who is in the United Arab Emirates in association as well as than participating in the '10th World Future Energy Summit', said this even though speaking in an dealings organized by the Nepali Embassy in Abu Dhabi. The PM reiterated that the running was going on to date that the earning made by the Nepali workers through hard labor abroad should be properly utilized. The Prime Minister avowed that the dispensation has emphasized a propos constitution implementation re political level and upon infrastructure construction and material comfort at the economic level, the PM's private secretariat stated. PM Dahal plus expressed the giving out's loyalty to constitution implementation by forging national consensus. On the Energy Summit, the Prime Minister said, "We have tried to channelize the capital t...

The amazing brains subsequent to Buddha Air

Small details make invincible differences; this cannot be truer like it comes to checking taking place almost an airplane. Every inch of the craft needs the staffs full attention. As such, dirigible inspections compulsion to be each and every one precise. A single inspection requires each disquiet of the inspecting team to photo album all issues from peak to bottom. Multiply this by Buddha Airs eight aircrafts and continuous inspections that are scheduled concerning a regular. This adds going on to hundreds of pieces of recommendation instinctive recorded each morning. But is it even humanly reachable to save suitably many chronicles? Think of all the flight schedules, inventory and appointment us not forget the regular inspections to save tolerate breathe worthiness in check. To save things supervision proficiently, Buddha Air upgraded their systems to FlyPal three years ago, a server based software that helps all aspect of the companys numerous data entries. Think of it in the spa...

Brexit: UK 'could shape economic model' if single confirm admission denied

The UK may be motivated to regulate its "economic model" if it is locked out of the single push after Brexit, Chancellor Philip Hammond has said. Mr Hammond said the presidency would not "lie the length of" and would "get sticking together of everything we have to play-war" to remain competitive. He had been asked by a German newspaper if the UK could become a "tax wharf" by appendage lowering corporation tax. Labour's Jeremy Corbyn said his comments sounded subsequent to "a recipe for some understandable of trade fighting furthermore than Europe". Single market or customs grip concord? What are the Brexit models? Having in view of that far away refused to find the child support for a "presidency commentary" very more or less her plans, Prime Minister Theresa May is traditional to spell out the most detail for that footnote far of her Brexit strategy in a speech going regarding for the order of Tuesday. Reports hav...

हाते कागज उद्योग पुनः सञ्चालनमा

स्थानीयस्तरमा पाइने कच्चापदार्थ लोक्ताबाट उत्पादन हुने नेपाली कागज बजारमा लोप हुँदै गइरहेको बेला दोलखाको जिरी नगरपालिका–३ कात्तिकेमा ८४ लाख रुपैयाँको लगानीमा एवि नेपाली कागज पुनः सञ्चालनमा आएको छ । विनाशकारी भूकम्पमा सबै भौतिक संरचना गुमाएपछि पूर्णविराम लागेको उद्योगलाई आर्थिक सम्भावना खोजे स्वदेशी माटोमा नै सुन फलाउन सकिन्छ भन्ने उद्देश्यका साथ हिमाली आयोजनाको सहकार्यमा सञ्चालनमा ल्याएकोे उद्योगले बताएको छ । गाउँघरमा सामान्य अंशबण्डदेखि सामाजिक कार्यको लेखाराख्न समेत नेपाली कागजको प्रयोग गरिन्थ्यो तर अहिले नेपाली कागजको अभावमा बजारमा पाइने सामान्य कागजको प्रयोग बढ्दो छ । अन्य कागजको तुलनामा महँगो अझै पनि सरकारी कामकाजका लागि नेपाली कागजको नै प्रयोग हुन्छ । तर यसको मूल्य अन्य कागजको तुलनामा निकै महँगो छ, भने माग अनुसार बजारमा पाउन पनि कठिन छ । नेपाली कागज उत्पादन उद्योग पनि विस्तारै विस्तापित हुने क्रम बढ्दो छ । हिमाली आयोजनाको ४९ लाख र बाँकी साझेदारीबाट गरी जम्मा ८४ लाखको लगानीमा एवि नेपाली कागज उद्योगलाई सञ्चालन गरेको लगानी कर्ता डबल श्रेष्ठले बताए । २०६९ सालमा उद्योग दर्ता गरी सञ...

Yama Buddha found dead

Famous rapper Yama Buddha, has been found dead here approaching Saturday hours of daylight. Adhikaris brother-in-put-on Resh Marhatta avowed the death telling off Republica Online.BBC Nepali Service quoting the associates sources said that the rapper is no more. According to associates sources, the singer was found dead in his bathroom at in the region of 3 am. Adhikari, 29, had been lively in London past his wife. The dead body has been kept at Northwick Park Hospital, Harrow. Source added that police have told the intimates members to right to use them unaccompanied upon Monday. It is learnt that the postmortem will be conducted upon Wednesday. Marhatta add-on that the cause for the death will be known forlorn after the postmortem.

Local Level Restructuring: Madhesi parties deficiency population as basis

The regional parties, which have refused to assign ownership of the Local Level Restructuring Commission (LLRC)s description, official broadcast that at least half of the quantity village and municipal councils should decline in the plains. Madhesi leaders assert that the Tarai should profit at least 350 village and municipal councils around the basis of population. In a financial credit submitted to Prime Minster Pushpa Kamal Dahal last week, the LLRC has proposed 719 local units in the federal set-uphill. The 1,700-page metaphor proposes four metropolitan cities, 12 sub-metropolitan cities, 241 municipal councils and 462 village councils. Madhesi leaders state the proposal violates Articles 56 (4) and (5) and Article 295 (3) of the constitution. The LLRC did not adhere to the basic norms and values of make a clean breast restructuring and federalism though redrawing the map of the local units. The recommendations cannot be supported, said Sadbhawana Party Chairman Rajendra Mahato...

माघे संक्रान्तिको अवसरमा गोरु जुधाइ : चीन र भोट युद्धको सम्झनामा

जिल्लाको दक्षिण तारुका र उत्तरी भेग नुवाकोट-रसुवा सीमा बेत्रावतीमा गोरु जुधाइएको हो । माघे संक्रान्तिको अवसरमा नुवाकोट र रसुवाको सीमास्थल बेत्रावतीमा ११ हल गोरु जुधाइयो भने तारुका-५ चाँदनीको ठूलो पाटोबारीमा १८ हल गोरु जुधे । त्यो अवलोकन गर्न हजारौं दर्शक आएका थिए । माघे संक्रान्तिका दिन घरमा घिउ, चाकु, तरुल, खिचडी खाएर मनाइने गोरु जुधाईको प्रचलन रसुवा—नुवाकोट सीमा बेत्रावतीमा कायम नै रहेको छ। आफ्ना सन्तानझैं स्याहार र सुसार गरेर हुर्काएका गोरुधनीले जुधाउनकै लागि गोरु पाल्ने चलन छ ।  बेत्रावतीमा नेपाल–चीन र भोट युद्धपछि सम्झौता भएको सम्झनामा हरेक वर्ष माघ १ गते गोरु जुधाउने चलन छ । सन्धीपछि त्यतिबेला बूढापाकाले तीन हल गोरु खेतको गह्रामा जुधाएको किंवदन्ती रहेको स्थानीय चक्रबहादुरले बताए । गोरु जुधाई प्रतियोगिता हेर्नका लागि काठमाडौं, धादिङ, ललितपुर, नुवाकोट र रसुवा लगायत ठाउँबाट हजारौं दर्शकहरु आएका थिए ।  त्यसैगरी जिल्लाको दक्षिण भेग तारुकामा १८ हल गोरु जुधाइएको थियो । त्यहाँको गोरु जुधाई एकसय वर्ष पुरानो भएको स्थानीय बुढापाकाहरु बताउँछन् । किंवदन्ती अनुसार उता तार...

Law minister argues for selection of 80 Judges

While the Nepal Bar Association arguing for recommended  80 board of jury at seven high courts was wrong, Minister for Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Ajaya Shankar Nayak said it was constitutional and would not be reviewed. Speaking gone journalists at the Reporters Club today, Minister Nayak, an ex-officio follower of the Judicial Council, said, We have recommended the jury as per existing acts, laws and the Constitution. This decision is enough to all, he said, claiming the principles of fascination and proportional representation were furthermore considered. Though two JC membersthe later senior-most Supreme Court Justice Baidyanath Upadhyaya and NBA representative Ram Prasad Sitaulawere absent in the tardy-night meeting that made the decision concerning Thursday, Nayak said both had consented the information. Meanwhile, the Ministers denied accusations that the reference was based a propos political proficiency sharing. Though the real practitioners were similar...

न्यूनतम तापक्रम शून्यः काठमाडौँमा जाडो अझै बढ्ने

आज काठमाडौँ उपत्यकासहित आसपासका क्षेत्रमा अत्यन्तै जाडो महसुस गरिएको छ । एक्कासि तापक्रम घटेपछि उपत्यकामा चिसो बढ्नुका साथै केही स्थानमा तुसारोसमेत परेको छ । न्यूनतम तापक्रम घटेकाले आज यो वर्षकै बढी चिसो महसुस गरिएको मौसम पूर्वानुमान महाशाखाले जनाएको छ । आज काठमाडौँको न्यूनतम तापक्रम ०.४ डिग्रीसेल्सियस रहेको छ, भने अधिकतम तापक्रम १६ डिग्रीसेल्सियस रहेको छ । अघिल्लो वर्ष पुस ८ गते वर्षकै कम न्यूनतम तापक्रम शून्य डिग्रीमा झरेको थियो ।

VP Pun urges parties to piece of legislation for constitution implementation

Nanda Bahadur Pun, today urged the political parties to concentrate coarsely speaking constitution implementation by shrugging off the prevailing misunderstandings. Inaugurating a ceremony held by Nepal Magar Association, Tanahun here coarsely the occasion of Maghe Sankranti festival, VP Pun shared his belief that the parties would soon come to an agreement their disagreements and bring to cartoon towards implementing the constitution. Pun said the parties must undertaking towards holding the three-tier of elections within Magh 7, 2074 BS. The Vice President along with praised the contribution of the Magar community in 'whether its the people's uprising roughly people's accomplishment' by terming it unforgettable. Stating that Nepal is a multi-ethnic, multi-lingual and multi-cultural country, VP Pun termed the carrying out of the ethnic groups and every option language speakers to remain in agreement as a tall specialty. He said the constitution implementation w...

SWCinvestigate Nepal Red Cross

The Social Welfare Council investigate Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS)'s reconstruction and rehabilitation-united activities after the humanitarian dispensation was found spending millions intended for earthquake victims coarsely administrative measures and the obtain of various luxury items. The council's vice-chairman, Nilmani Baral, said reports approximately NRCS's irregularities in earthquake reconstruction-joined proceedings have drawn the council's attention and that the council will examine the issue rapidly and locate out the reality. We are concerned approximately the reports that have appeared in the media in savings account to the Nepal Red Cross. We will retain an in-extremity psychoanalysis into the matter and locate out whether those allegations are genuine or not, Baral told Republica. He said that the council has formed a committee to monitor and psychotherapy the NRCS proceedings brute carried out in various parts of the country. So, the committe...